Woodridge Lake is a private 385-acre man-made lake located off Route 4 and Beach Street in the West Goshen section of the Town of Goshen. The man-made recreational lake community started out as a dream of Goshen resident Alfred H. Wright, Jr, President of West Goshen Realty Corp. In the early 60’s Mr. Wright saw the potential of damming up the Marshepaug River to form a recreational lake community. Longtime Goshen landowners who were reluctant to sell their property owned most of the land that would be needed for the project. It took several years to acquire the needed approximately 1,740 acres of land, which would include the 385-acre lake, and to find a developer. On July 23, 1969 the various transactions by eleven property owners were filed with the Goshen Town Clerk and in turn the large block of property was sold to a large developer of recreational communities, Boise Cascade Properties, Inc.
The area where the lake was to be was cleared of trees and a 35-foot high earthen dam of approximately 1,300 feet in length was constructed with an 86′ spillway. The remaining land was sub-divided into approximately 700 one-acre lots with areas being designated for a clubhouse, boat launch, swimming pool and other recreational amenities.