Woodridge Lake Property Owners' Association

The Woodridge Laker

Fitness Center Rules

Updated 5-11-21  The front door of the Clubhouse is now open Only members are allowed to use the fitness center. No guests. Fitness Center Hours – 5:00 AM – 10:00 PM. Members must wipe down and disinfect all machines after use including free weights. Staff will also clean and disinfect frequently. Masks must be worn at all times. All persons using this facility should take all precautions recommended by the CDC and local health agencies. Maintain a social distance of at least six (6) feet from persons that are not a member of your household. Do not use this facility if you are sick and/or if you have a fever and/or symptoms in the past two (2) weeks or if any member of your household has been sick and/or if any member of your household has had symptoms in the past two (2) weeks. Members must bring water bottles. As you know the purpose of the guidelines is to minimize the risk and spread of COVID -19. Please call the office if you have any concerns/questions.

July 24, 2021 The Woodridge Laker